Statement from The Chair re the Community Governance Review


Dear Parishioners
I wanted to write to you, to update you all on the reason that we had posted an Extraordinary General Meeting of Little Wenlock Parish Council.
Late on Friday 12th July I was made aware that Telford and Wrekin had tabled there governance review document, this document covered significant proposed changes to parish boundaries across the entire borough. Specifically for us, it was proposed that a new combined parish be created that would encompass Wrockwardine parish, which includes Allscott and parts of Admaston together with Little Wenlock Parish, to be re-named Wrockwardine and Little Wenlock Parish.
Whilst this would not come into effect until May 2027, Telford and Wrekin had detailed August 16th as the deadline for consultation to end after which decisions would stand, ie 4 weeks.
It has always been my view, shared by my fellow councillors that for significant events that affect our Parish that we should survey our Parishioners, as we are here to serve your views. It was for this reason that we called the Extraordinary meeting. In the interim we have been trying to get up to speed on the proposals and implications of the proposed changes.
On Thursday I made representations to fellow councillors in the borough and it was agreed that an extension request would be made to Telford and Wrekin Council to allow Parishes to fully understand the implications of the proposals and form responses based upon parishioners views.
The governance body met yesterday and I am very pleased to advise that the submitted proposal was voted down, my personal thanks to our ward councillor Gareth Thomas and his fellow committee members for this. We are advised that consultation will now begin in September with completion 12 months later, we will clearly be asking for closer involvement in this process and once we have more information we will come out to survey you our Parishioners to allow us to formulate the views and wishes of our Parish.
On this basis we have cancelled the Extraordinary meeting.
Dave Cooper
Chair LWPC

Playing Field

After many years of being managed by a volunteer committee the playing field is now owned and managed by the Parish Council.

If you have ideas or volunteer time both are welcome. 


The Parish Council is interested in community views about the future development of the playing field behind The Huntsman pub.   Please email with your ideas.



Speed Indicator Device

The device on Wellington Road near Spout Lane records speeds of traffic arriving and leaving the village of Little Wenlock. 

It records all movements even if the device does not flash a speed.


 If you wish to see the data in a different format please contact the clerk.


My Telford App

To report issues that are the responsibility  of Telford and Wrekin Council using the My Telford App is the best way.  Go to your app store on your smart phone upload and follow the instructions.  it is always good to include a photo.  this can be done either by uploading from your photo store or by taking one on the spot in the app.  There are fellow residents already using the app with success.  It does not matter how often you report things its more about the report than who reported it.  

You can also follow this link to upload onto a laptop or desktop device.  Just put My Telford into your search engine.



What a Parish or Town Council has the power to do


Power to the People what a parish and town council has to power to achieve.


Extract from Local Councils explained  by Meera Tharmarajah legal advisor to National Association of Local Councils.


Local Councils have a range of specific statutory powers which they may exercise if and only if they wish to.


Local Councils do not have statutory responsibility for services such as waste collection, street parking, traffic regulation, environmental health, street trading, planning and building control, licensing, housing, education, development control or social care functions for the area that they represent.  Statutory responsibility for the discharge of those functions rests with other types of local authority. 


Functions a Parish or Town Council may carry out are in the booklet in the link above.