Parish Council

As well as producing one of the first parish plans in the country, Little Wenlock Parish Council was one of the first in Shropshire to gain Quality status.

Strictly non-party political, the Council is responsible for:

  • Ensuring the parish gets its fair share of investment and support from the Borough
  • Undertaking and supporting a range of parish improvements
  • Working with community providers to improve parish service delivery
  • Representing parishioners in all local government issues and consultations
  • Supporting the village hall, playing field and other parish facilities
  • Stimulating new parish facilities and services
  • Scrutinising all planning applications in the parish
  • Providing and maintaining parish street lighting
  • Helping parishioners address local issues and concerns.
  • With five elected members receiving no allowances and a paid part-time clerk, the Council keeps its annual precept from the Council Tax as low as possible.

The Council transacts its business in regular meetings, open to all, in the village hall – usually on the second Monday of each month.

While only members and invited guests are entitled to be involved in debates, a special item near the beginning of each meeting’s agenda allows parishioners to discuss particular issues or concerns.

The agendas and minutes of all meetings are published on the Parish Council noticeboards in Little Wenlock and New Works.

All minutes and reports are available on-line, and information stored is available to the public under the Freedom of Information Act.


Village Hall
The Village Hall

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